
The pictures

her's a little hand

I really like her ! ^@^

she is really cute.

a kind teacher, a good father, a happy family

I went to Don’s house on last Friday. Our plan was that we went to the park to see the Dusk Dances, but it was really big rain there. Therefore, we just came to his house and were chatting with each other. Don Smith is a very kind teacher; he always makes our class very funny. He tries to let us enhance our knowledge with fun. I still remember the purple monkey because it helped me to practice my pronunciation.

Also, that was the first time I see Don’s daughter whose name is Nathalie. I think she is the cutest kid in the world, and she is 15 mouths now. She has a pair big eyes and very cute hair. She always smiles when people take picture for her, she always focuses on camera. That was the first time she ate chocolate. She was very happy after she ate the chocolate. I saw that Don was holding her, and that was so sweet. I can see the love form his eyes. At that time, I was really missing my family and my father. When I was a kid, my father always holds me likes that way. I was almost crying. Fortunately, there was no person found that. (I am a little bit emotional ^@^). I can see that he is really a good father. We talked about lives, studies, experiences, cultures and religions.

I also see Don’s wife that day, and she also is a very interesting person. She laughed all the time, and she told her experiences when she was studying in Shulich business school. She also showed the work which she was done before. Also, she is a nice person. I can see that is really a very nice and happy family. Everything was seemed so nice, and everyone slimes all the time. I really glad to have a choice to visit his hose, and I had a great time with them.


Moving and eating

I moved from Finch to downtown today, because it is more convenience for me to visit the notochord in Toronto. I will show some picture of my new house. There are three live rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen in the first floor. I live in a room with a window which faces to the backyard. I will show some pictures of my home.
I also went a Thailand restaurant which is called Ivory Thailand. The dish in there is not very expensive, and the serving is very good. I really like that restaurant, and I think everyone should to try it. The funny thing is that one of my friends did not eat enough; in addition, she said that that restaurant gives us only little food. However, all of my friends think she has a big stomach.

The location: 81 Church St Toronto, ON M5C


She is my best friend in Toronto; we take care of each other here. She just likes one of my family members. Actually, I will go back to China in August, but she will leave alone here. I really worry about her. It is not easy for one person alone in a foreign country; I think I will miss her.


The thinking of Don's suggestion

Don: It sounds like you met a truly honest business person. I always think that such a person will be successful after all, even if they spend a lot of time with a customer who doesn't buy something, because eventually everyone will know and come to trust them.It depends, I think, on why someone wants to be in business in the first place. If you want to be in business to make a lot of money, you will think of that first and you will have to be careful to make rules for yourself about how you treat customers. And then your customers will feel that. But if you want to be in business because, in the first place, it is a way to meet a lot of people and learn about their lives and kind of know everything about the neighborhood, then you will naturally do that, and people will not feel suspicious about how much money they give you for your services. I think that good business people are usually quite social people. What do you think?

Fiona: Yes, you are right. Trust is very important for someone who buys the product first time. I want to study business, because I am really interested in it. Also, I am influence by my presents. They send me to Canada not only for studying but also want me to see, hear, and learn this world. To see people who are around me, to meet people who I really appreciate, to learn what they really good at. Actually, I meet a lot people who want to immigrant to Canada. I understand that Canada is really a good country, but I really have different goals between these people. In my case, I am trying to look different kinds of people here, and I am learning how to be a person who knows people very well. I think this is why I want to study human researches. Actually, the reason why most Chinese students want to study business here is not because interesting. Some of them consider that for career which they will do in the future. Some of them study business because their parents. Actually, my parents did not push me to study, to go outside. They gave me a lot of speeches to consider what kind of live I want in the future. Therefore, I think I will do better than them because I really like it. Even though I did not speak a lot sometimes, I was watching people all the time and learning how to make myself confident and success. I think I will have more time touch the neighborhood to see what things around me are. Also, thanks for your suggestion, I will try it.



I went to Curtis Lecture Hall to listen a lecture about skin cells and their factions last week. This was the first time that I can "learn" something as a university student in York University. When I came to the classroom, I really got surprised again. Because I had an experience that listen a lecture in George Brown College, I was surprised seeming that classroom which can take 200 students. When I saw this classroom which can take more than 500 students I was really exciting. We chose two seats which were in front of the professor. The professor showed the power point with some skin cells pictures, and told us how the melanin cells control skin’s color, protect nucleolus and fix the broken DNA chain. Basically, I understood 70% of that lecture. I found that some of that knowledge which I learned in biology class from high school. Some students asked questions during that lecture, and the professor answered them very patiently. That lecture was about 45mintes, and I enjoined it.



Last week, I had an opportunity to go to George Brown College to listen to a lecture about marketing with my friend who is studying there. This is the first time that I can learn something as a university student.
When I came to the classroom, I saw that many students who were form different countries. At the beginning of the class, the professor taught them how to use the web site to seek for assignment and professor’s lectures. The most interesting thing is that he did not teach the method by himself, and he asked whether someone wanted to be a volunteer. Even though the professor did not teach them how to do that, someone also can do it. The professor told about the definition of marketing and the breach and depth of marketing. The students have many activities to discussion. The professor also gave them some multiple-choice test, and the students can use the remote device to choose the answer. Even though I couldn’t understand the lecture clearly, I found that the professor was really a funny guy. The students often heard jokes in his class. Most of the students worked hard on the class, but there are also a few of students sleeping during the class. I had a good time last Friday because I had a new experience, and I liked it. It makes me want to be a university student as soon as possible.
she is my friend who are studying in George Brown College.


Chinese summer outdoor festival

I went to down town to take part in the Chinese summer outdoor festival last weekend. That festival in more like a competition, and many people went to there for the competition. I just went to there as an audience. In that competition, everyone can show something which they are good at. Most of them were young people or children. There was a little girl who was dancing in that competition. I found that her English is much much better than my. Moreover, she can dance very well. She passed the first trail; I am very happy for her. When the competition was almost finish, there was a very old man appear on the stage. He said that he is 75 years old and he was happy to join this competition. Then she sang a very nice song, everyone surprised by his song. Also, he passed the first trail. The second trail is in 16 August, and I am going to take part in it.
This competition let me think about one of my favor singers. Her name is chris Lee, and she is a very cool singer. In 2005, she won the competition which is called the supper girl. There were over 150,000 people took part in that competition. Finally, she won it with prefect song and dancing. I really like her very much